Wednesday, April 8, 2015

After sometime~

Is been a while since i wrote my old post. After procrastinating for sometime, finally there is time for me to write something over here. For those who are following my blog, thank you for the support and time to read my written thoughts and grumbles. Sincerely, i have to credit someone who has been following my blog all the time, thank you for being the secret reader all the time. You know who you are.  :)

Life seems like a bit swinging these days, I guesses life wont be wonderful if there is no ups and downs. (Trying to be optimistic.) Well, i remember the counselor told me there is not the only tough challenge or decision u have to make in your entire life. She did mentioned this is not the only. She does sounds like a fortune teller right? Haha.
After making decision to study abroad there are lots of changes in my life. Living in a foreign country without the comfort care from the home force you to live independently and in other way of speaking it is the practice of wisdom in life. I guessed for those who have not see me for years, when we meet again I am a better person.


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